Forest to Sand

JESUS centered
mental health focused
Gen Z curated

created by humans;
for humans … 

our motto

☮︎ Release the yesterday.

Be grateful for today.

Be happy for tomorrow.

also known as community term:

FTS with PLJ

Our mission

Supporting individuals and their loved ones through
the Journey of Mental Health Discovery.

Creating empowering events and approachable outlets
to embrace the whole that already exists.

Celebrating the Arts and love that endures. 


 Mental Health management centered around: Community, Nature and the Arts.  
FTS aims to bring community together by guiding people beyond their comfort zones and advance their
personal journey of mental health discovery 
with holistic reality-grounding techniques, accompanied with the Arts as an unlimited tool for healing. 


Radically Break the Stigma!
Create social change for the approaches and conversations around mental health.

 “do not conform to the pattern of this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

 Romans 12:2 - For The Son



intellectual property of Forest to Sand LLC
is protected by copyright

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