FTS Merch

Support the Journey of Mental Health Discovery with Forest to Sand Merch!

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Your purchase will assist with the creation of the FTS Community.
Plus spark normalized conversation about mental health with the unique FTS logo!

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Special thank you to our fellow Richmond, Virginia company bonfire.com
Stay tuned for more FTS Merch campaigns!
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Thank you for supporting the Journey of Mental Health Discovery as we create a NEW path for mental health care!

With assistance from audience members like you, the FTS Community can continue to develop our goals:

  • monthly support group 
  • Reimagined to focus on the metamodern obstacles in navigating mental health. Topics of discussion aim to destigmatize daily navigation of mental health through current culture, technology, media and more! 
  • wellness workshops
  • Lessons to balance mind+body+spirit and encourage our community members to get out of their comfort zones through holistic reality grounding techniques.
  • renovation of FTS studios
  • At FTS we believe that the Arts is an unlimited tool for healing. The studio will be a 24/7 safe space of creativity for the FTS Team and our greater community. 
  • short film + literature + music + multimedia + MORE! 
  • The FTS Productions Team assists our community to bring the ideas of artistic visions to life by creating content that displays the vibrancy of the JOMHD
  • mental health resources for local community + beyond
  • FTS is dedicated to allocating resources in our community and beyond to advance mental health conversation including: free books for all ages, guides to access local wellness providers, care for FTS gardens for nutrition courses, and future endeavors to be announced ... 

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